Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry | Medicine and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa

Journal of Contemporary History | Review of Anjuli Fatima Raza Kolb’s Epidemic Empires

Harvard Library Bulletin | Quarantine on the Line

Literature & Medicine | When we speak in Protests

International Journal of Architecture | Epidemic Urbanism: Reflections on History

H-Net Reviews | Review of Joel Cabrita’s The People’s Zion

Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies | Review of Sherry Sayed Gadelrab’s Medicine and Morality in Egypt

ISIS: History of Science Journal | Troubling (Post)colonial Histories of Medicine: Toward a Praxis of the Human

Contagion, Occupation, and Plague | Independent Social Research Foundation Issue XVII Bulletin

Plague in Eighteenth-Century Cairo: In Search of Burial and Memorial Sites | Plague and Contagion in the Islamic Mediterranean

The Journal of North African Studies | Review of Mary Dewhurst-Lewis’s Divided Rule

The Journal of North African Studies | Review of Clémentine Gutron’s L’Archéologie en Tunisie (XIXe-XXe siècles)

Molecular Endocrinology | GPR30 Contributes to Estrogen-Induced Thymic Atrophy